Sempre hangarado
Único dono
Inspeções em centros de serviços Embraer
Gerenciado profissionalmente
Com apenas 763 horas totais
11 assentos
Fuselagem no programa EEC
Motores no programa ESP Platinum
Painel Garmin G3000
Diversos Opcionais
Aviônicos e Equipamentos Adicionais:
- Embraer Prodigy Flight Deck Based on Garmin’s G300 Avionics System
- Three 14 Inches Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays (AMLCD) and Two 5.7 Inches Infrared
- Touch Screen Controllers for Data Input
- Intergrated Electronic Standby Intrument (IESI)
- Ice Detector
- Weather Radar
- Crew Alerting System (CAS)
- Aural Warning VHF Communication (COM)
- VOR/ILS Naviagtion (NAV)
- Satellite-Based Positioning Navigation (GPS-WAAS)
- Flight Management System (FMS)
- Including Required Navigation Performanch (RNP)
- Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
- Satellite Weather
- Display of Terrain Information, Including Terrain Awareneed and Warning System
- Class B (TAWS-B) Moving Map For Situational Awareness
- Dual Flight Director (FD)
- 3 Axis CAT I Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
- YAW Damper Through Rudder and Ventral Rudder
- GoGo ATF 5000 WIFI
- DME – Distance Measuring Equipment
- ADF – Automatic Direction Finder
- TCAS II 7.1 – Traffic Collision Avoidance System II 7.1
- Exchange for Mode S / ADS-B Out Transponder Radio Altimeter
- CPDLC – Controller-To- Pilot Data Link Comunication
- Package 1 (Refreshment Center + Side Facing Dican)
- Belfted Toilet
- Lavatory Sink
- Hot Jug
- In-Flight Phone and Datalink
- Premium Cabin Management System
- Cockpit Sheepskin Covers
- Cockpit Flood Lights
- Sunshage / Sun Visor
- Premium Seat
- Mirror Additional Power Outlets
- Premium Passenger Door
- Life Vest – (For 11 Seats)
- Crew Portable Breathing Equipment (PBE)
- Smoke Googles
- 77 CU FT Oxygen Bottle
- Design Weight Increase
- ICE Detector
- High Frequency Radio “HP”
- Concorde Battery STC