Falcon 7x à pronta entrega na Jet Store Aviation
Aeronave intercontinental
3 motores a jato
Realiza voos do Brasil a Nova York em 9 horas e Brasil a Paris em 11 horas de voo.
Todos voos direto e sem parada!
Capaz de levar 14 passageiros com um conforto extremo e capacidade de ter Wifi à bordo
Pintura exterior e interior feito em 2020
Essa aeronave possui 5,128 horas totais
APU com 3,201 horas totais
Inspeções rigorosamente em dia
Aviônicos e Equipamentos Adicionais:
- Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) with GP-600
- Guidance Panel Controller with Dual Autopilot System
- Dual Honeywell EASy Flight Management System NZ-2000 w/Dual GPS
- Honeywell EASy 4 Display System DU-1310
- Honeywell EASy Communications Management Function (CMF)
- Honeywell EASy Central Maintenance Computer (CMC) Module
- Honeywell EASy Electronic Chart Function
- Honeywell EASy Autothrottle
- Honeywell EASy Dual Modular Avionics Units (MAU-916)
- Dual Honeywell ADF Module DF-855
- Triple VHF Digital Comm Transceiver (8.33 kHz and 25kHz spacing)
- *Dual Honeywell XS-857A Mode S Xpder
- *Dual Navigation Receiver (VOR/ILS)
- *Dual DME DM-855 Units
- *Dual Honeywell DF-855 ADF
- Triple Honeywell AV900 Audio Panel
- Dual Honeywell KRX-1053 HF Radio
- System with SELCAL
- Honeywell Primus WU-880 Weather Radar
- Honeywell EASy Enhanced Ground
- Proximity Warning System
- Triple Honeywell IM-950 Inertial
- Reference System
- GRIMES AEROSPACE Electronic Standby
- Indicator System
- Dual Honeywell AR-COMBI FDR/CVR
- Dual Honeywell Radio Altimeter System
- Honeywell ELT-A 406 MHz
- SATCOM – Honeywell Inmarsat MCS 7120
- SATCOM System
- Honeywell TCAS 3000 (TCAS II) with
- Change 7.1 Software
- Solid State QAR
- Flight Dynamics HSG Computer
- Enhanced Avionics System EASY II (LPV, SVS, ADM, DUAL CHARTS, CPDLC / FANS 1A)