Com apenas 1.043 horas na fuselagem e motores. 1.981 pousos
Assento para 6 passageiros + 2 Pilotos e interior VIP
Aviônicos incluem Euronav 5 Euroavionics, tela de 8,4 polegadas, TAS-620 e radar meteorológico
Sistema de combustível de 5 células e 213 galões dos EUA
Isolamento acústico supersilencioso, extensão do compartimento de bagagem e muito mais…
Inspeção geral dos Motores para 4,000 horas totais
Aviônicos e Equipamentos Adicionais:
- Single Pilot Dual Controls IFR Avionic Package:
- Pilot & Co-Pilot Flight/navigation EFIS (2 displays) with embedded
- FMS, Synthetic Vision (SVS), HTAWS (Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System), Slip Indicator and remote Bug
- Panel (RBP)
- Digital Map Euronav 5 Euroavionics interfaced to FMS with 8.4″ display (value approx. €138,000) – Presented on 8.4″ Display
- Traffic Advisory System TAS-620 Avydine – Presented on EFIS
- Weather Radar RDR 2000 Bendix King – Presented on EFIS
- Radio Management System (RMS) RTU-4210 Collins (1)
- VHF/AM VHF-4000E
- VOR/ILS NAV 4500 Collins
- Transponder (Mode S) TDR-94 Collins
- Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) (1) with One Dual
- AHRS Control Panel
- Air Data Unit (ADU) (1)
- Digital Audio Control System (DACS) NAT with one Cockpit Panel
- Electronic Clock (1)
- Magnetic Compass Indicator (1)
- Reversionary Control Panel (RCP)
- EFIS Pilot/Co-pilot Navigation Synchronization Switch (FMS Data)
- Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS)
- Second Radio Management System (RMS) RTU-4210 Collins
- Second VHF/AM VHF-40000E Collins – VOR/ILS/ADF NAV-4000 Collins
- DME DME-4000 Collins
- Radio Altimeter ALT-4000 Collins
- Second Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS)
- Second Air Data Unit (ADU)
- Pilot GPS/SBAS Chelton interfaced to EFIS/FMS
- Co-pilot GPS/SBAS Chelton interfaced to EFIS/FMS
- Digital Audio Control System (DACS) NAT additional cockpit panel
- 4-axis Dual Duplex Digital AFCS With Integrated Flight Director
- Second Electronic Clock
- Second Magnetic Compass Indicator
- ELT C406-N HM Artex (with Navigation Interface Module embedded)
- Dual Controls
- 5 Cell 213 USgal Fuel System (in lieu of 152 Usgal)
- Engine Compartment Fire Extinguishers (Qty. 2)
- Baggage Compartment Extension (1.9M)
- High-intensity White Strobe Lights on Horizontal Stabilizer
- Fuel Cap with Key Lock
- Pulse Chip Detectors (in lieu of quick disconnecting chip detectors)
- Re-enforced Windshields (pilot and co-pilot)
- Retracting/Rotatable Landing Light (nose mounted)
- Rotor Brake
- Windshield Wipers (pilot & co-pilot) with Wiper Switch on Cyclic Grips
- 24VDC 33Ah nickel cadmium battery with Temp Probe
- Airframe Hourmeter
- Customised Paint Scheme
- Headset Bose ANR Type (Qty 8)
- Headset Hooks
- Cockpit Upper Cockpit Window Curtains
- Cockpit Inter-Seat Console Tray with 12 V Power Supply
- Multipurpose Holder (with space provision for fire extinguisher)
- Right Door Pocket
- Ground Equipment
- Air Intake & Exhaust Covers
- Pitot Tube Covers
- Main Rotor Tie Downs
- Heavy Duty Tow bar
- Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM)