Sempre hangarado
Inspeções rigorosamente em dia
Com apenas 715 horas totais
Essa aeronave possui diversos opcionais; Extensão do compartimento de bagagem
Interior VIP com Layout da cabine: 2 pilotos + 6 passageiros com assentos de couro
Piloto automático de 4 eixos
Aviônicos e Equipamentos Adicionais:
- SP/DP IFR Package
- 4-Axis Dual Duplex Digital AFCS
- EFIS Flight Navigation x2
- Revisionary Control Panel
- Pilot & Copilot GPS/SBAS – Chelton
- VHF/AM VHF-4000E x2
- VOR/ILS NAV-4500 – Collins
- VOR/ILS/ADF NAV-4000 Collins
- Transponder Mode S – TDR-94 – Collins
- Radio Altimeter ALT-4000 –
- CollinsDME-4000 – Collins
- AHRS x2
- DACS – Cobham
- Radio Management System – RTU -4210 – Collins x2
- Attitude Heading Reference
- ELT C406-N HM – Artex
- Air Data Unit
- Magnetic Compass Indicator x2
- Magnetic Sensor Unit
- Electronic Clock x2
- Airframe Hourmeter
- Dual Controls
- Crash resistant & adjustable Pilot & Copilot Seats
- Air Conditioning ECS
- Baggage Compartment Extension (1.9m)
- Engine Compartment Fire Extinguisher x2
- Fuel Cap with Key-lock
- Pulsed Chip Detectors
- Reinforced Windshields
- Retractable/Rotating Landing Light
- Rotor Brake
- Windshield Wipers
- Separate Baggage Compartment
- LH/RH Hinged Jettisonable crew Doors
- LH/RH Sliding Passenger Doors
- Baggage Compartment Lights
- Aluminium Alloy Honeycomb
- Reinforced Floor with anti-Skid finishing
- Ventilation Ram Air Inlets
- Anti reflection Instrument Panel
- VIP Interior with Primer finished Cabin Walls
- Layout Cabin: 2+6 Leather Seats